Leveraging your Cultural Identity in Academic Spaces: How Do I Advocate for Myself?

The SPSP Student Committee's March Diversity Space will provide an opportunity for any students who are part of a marginalized group to come together and use a private space for discussion on celebrations, as well as identity-based issues in their academic journeys.
Troy Kearse

Loving, but Leaving, Academia: Considerations for a Life and Career Outside the Academy

Researchers of all career stages often ponder: “Do I continue pursuing a career in academia, or do I take my skills to an industry setting?” This decision-making process is often nuanced and complex, given that people must balance competing needs and desires. In this session, the host hopes to spark honest and personal discussion around this decision-making process. Specifically, he will share his own (largely positive!) experiences within academia, as well as the factors that ultimately led him to decide on accepting a research-oriented position in industry (a Behavioral Scientist at Walgreens). The remainder of the event will be spent engaging in discussion derived from audience members' questions and comments. Additionally, the host is happy to field any and all questions about the industry job-hunt process (resumes, interviews, types of positions out there, salary negotiations, etc.). While this session may be particularly valuable for late-stage graduate students and postdocs, individuals at all career stages are welcome.
James Dunlea

An Exploratory Study of the Impact of Social Media Usage on Gen Z African American Women's Health Behaviors

This session will address research addressing the impact of social media usage on Gen Z African American women's health behaviors, as well as foster discussion on what specific social media content Gen Z African American women seek out, and their health efficacy. This will be targeted toward Gen Z African American women, but is inclusive of all women.
Kalynda Smith