The SPSP Board of Directors convened on February 11, 2024, to discuss a wide range of topics related to the organization's governance, finances, diversity, and public engagement. Here's a summary of the key takeaways:

Governance and Operations

  • The Board approved the consent agenda, which included items like minutes from previous meetings and committee appointments.
  • A discussion on Board orientation resulted in proposed options like video modules and committee chair involvement in future meetings.
  • The Board reviewed a process for handling future crisis communication situations, including issuing public statements.


  • The Board discussed strategies to achieve a break-even budget by 2026. This included reviewing potential expense reductions and exploring new revenue streams. Specific actions included gathering data on membership trends and evaluating the effectiveness of existing programs.
  • The Board approved Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania as the host city for the 2030 SPSP convention.

Diversity, Equity, Inclusion, & Anti-racism (DEIA)

  • The Board discussed the role and function of the Diversity and Climate Committee (DCC) within the SPSP governance structure. Topics included clarifying communication channels and establishing priorities for future initiatives.
  • The importance of integrating DEIA goals into all aspects of SPSP's work was emphasized.

Other Discussion Points

  • The Board reviewed and approved a revised Code of Conduct.
  • Discussions were held on improving the SPSP convention experience, including pre-conference options and reviewer compensation.

Action Items

  • Several action items were assigned throughout the meeting. These included developing Board orientation materials, scheduling meetings with relevant committees, and conducting further research on financial matters.

Overall, the SPSP Board of Directors meeting addressed a comprehensive agenda with a focus on strengthening the organization's governance, financial standing, and commitment to diversity and inclusion.